FEELER: Shoei RF-800 streetbike helmet

Charleston, SC
Just curious if anyone would be interested in a street bike helmet. I got rid of my bike about 2 years ago, and the helmet has been sitting in its box for that time. It was worn maybe 2 dozen times. There are 2 nicks on the back of the helmet, barley noticable. Sorry I don't have any pics, but if someone's really interested, I can get some. Here's the specs:

Shoei RF-800 Scepter Red/Black/Silver
Includes both clear/smoked CX-1 visors
Original box and documentation
Shoei Helmet bag
Size: medium, 57-58cm, 7 1/8-7 1/4 inches..

Paid $350 for it new due to the paint scheme. Willing to part with it below $100

Color Sceme is TC-1 (RF800): viewed here

Helmet review: here
